Preparing the cover page in MLA format: 1.take a A4 size
white paper and margin 1 inch from all
side. 2. No title page is needed unless it is requested.3. double space
everything. the upper left corner of
the first page ,list name , id, the course detail (course code and course
title), course instructor name and the the paper title (use standard capital letter but do not underline,italic sized ,bold).6. create
header at the upper right hand corner at half inch from the margin and include
your last name followed by a space and then the page number.
Thesis statement: it
is the controlling power or the central idea of a research paper. In the thesis
statement an author shows the topic and his view or intention towards it.
A thesis statement must contain the key ideas
that the paper goes to discuss and the writers intention side by side. The
placement of a thesis statement is at the closing part of the first paragraph
of essay. It could be lengthier up to two sentences.the approach of a thesis
statement could be like- 1. Argumentative 2. Questioning or 3. Exploratory.
The four step plan to write a
good thesis statement are-1. It must state exactly what i want to prove in the
paper.2. in most cases it focuses on a single idea ,keeping the paper focused.
3. It should be as specific as possible write a sentence in clear , short in
length. 4. It should be in the introductory para.
A thesis statement is the
foundation of the entire words and its in fronts what the author wish to achieve
with the paper or wish to prove or disprove. A theses is be quite if i want to
change the topic revised thesis statement.
Abstract : an abstract is the one of the essential part of a
research is the short summary of whole paper or the ideas that are
going to discuss in the essay. The length of abstract must not exit 150 to 250
words.the essential part of an abstract are-1. Key information or the aim of
the paper. 2. List of major findings and
results.3. the method employed for the research and the sources used.
sometimes the instructors request for the list
of key words along with the abstract ,in
such cage write five to six key words in a separate list under the heading key
words after writing the abstract. For writing the abstract we must follow the
rules-1. After writing the topic of research double space the line, write the
heading of abstract along with the left margin.double space again and start
writing abstract. 2.abstract must not refer any particular part of the essay
rather it refers the whole . 3. Write in a single paragraph. 4. Avoid citing or
using quotation in abstract if need to use a quotation badly or urgently write
or use the summary not the direct quotation. 5. Check grammar and spelling
before submission.
Parenthetical citation: parenthetical citations are
citations to original sources that appear in the text of the paper.
This allows the reader to see immediately
where the information come from, and it saves the trouble of having to make
footnotes or end notes.
MLA format: Modern Language Association style is most
commonly used to write papers and site sources within the Liberal Art and
Humanities. MLA style is also provided the writers with a system for
referencing their sources through parenthetical
The use of MLA style can protect writers from
acquisition of plagiarism which may be intentional or accidental while using
materials from other sources.
The MLA style of writing explains how to
identify a topic and develop it through research. It also shows how to work with
sources in the writing, gives advice on mechanics of academic prose, and
authoritatively presents MLA documentation style.
Research : research is the systematic investigation into and
study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Research can be divided into two parts upon
the sources-1. Primary research: primary research is new research copied out to
answer specific issues or questions. It can involve questionnaires ,surveys or
interviews with individuals or groups. 2. Secondary research : secondary
research makes use of information previously researched for other purposes and
publicly available. This is also known as “desk research”.
secondary research includes public research
reports in a library, surveys or the internet. It can also include scientific
reports produced by medical councils, universities or governments. for example,
the Royal College of Physicians , The British Heart Foundation and the
Department of Health.
Research can be divided into two parts basing
upon the way of doing it-1.Library research: library research is conducted in a
library in an university, college, municipal or private library where people
can research catalogs, computers,stacks,books or magazines looking for
information on all kinds of topics to include in thesis. 2. Experimental
research: this research describes the process that a researcher undergoes of controlling certain variables
and manipulating others to observe if the results of the experiment reflect
that the manipulations directly caused the particular outcome.
Source card: it is an index card on which all the
information are putted in and will need about all the sources that are
used.source card will help to: 1. Identify the sources of quotations and ideas
for citing the sources later. 2. Find the sources again if needed.
Note card: note card is a small card often 3 inches by 5
inches or 4 inches by 6 inches . it is used in preparing an index or card file
for recording notes, information etc.
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